This research study seeks to develop a lightweight, mechanically enhaced, graphene enforced material that fluctuates its gradient of porosity according to specific structural applications. With the natural structure of bones as the overarching precedent, we interpret rigidity and elasticity as key drivers of this research. Specifically, collagen and calcium phosphate make up the majority of our material ingredients as they jointly offer a structural equilibrium of semi-ductility.

Pseudo Code

1 | Import base geometry into Grasshopper
2 | Explode Curves
3 | Divide Curves
4 | Move and interpolate
5 | Edge surface
6 | Created Surface




The main topic is to minimize deflection on the shell using Milipede for structural analysis and Galapagos.


The smaller pore size leads leads to structurally increased perfomance. This comparative study of pore size to compressive rigidity in the material is juxtaposed with computational analysis. We interpret compressive and tensile properties and these findings guide precision of pore placement and size. Structural analysis, determines where a system needs more or less support and more or less porosity.



The Catalogue:



Genetic Optimization | Porous Shell is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at Master in Advanced Architecture, in 2018/2019 by:
Students: Sara Costa
Faculty: Rodrigo Aguirre
Student Assistants: Daniil Koshelyuk and Nikoleta Mougkasi