This term mainly completed the topic selection, statement. And begin preliminary data analysis.


In the city, there have different levels of urban vitality, some places are welcome and prosperity, also some are unwelcome, disorder and potentially unsafe, they happened in leftover space, inactive streetscape, no current use spaces, low accessible sites or low urban fabric.
The ghost grid is based on the index of urban vitality to deepen understanding of spatial index of space, society, environment, accessibility, and economy to optimize referenced elements or functions for private and public sectors in leftover space, inactive streetscape, no current use spaces, low accessible sites or low urban fabric, and create events for local citizens to reuse and remade it and impact neighborhoods.
From this tool. the administrators can design spaces and calendar events by inviting architects, planners, and communities to join in different sites to guild local citizens and co-design, co-build, co-manage with them to run fresh spaces and monitor the “Ghost grid” that through change micro-scale elements impact the urban landscape.


GHOST GRID ( ghost to host ) is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia
developed at Master in City & Technology 02 in (2019/2020) by:
Faculties: Areti Markopoulou & Mathilde Marengo