Due to climate change by 2050 the water levels will have risen significantly, and aggressive storms change our ways. Humanity is forced to wander around the planet in search for resources and bearable climate conditions.  Mr. Lee came up with the ingenious idea to build a wandering house inspired by the Theo Jansen Strandbeest, that would allow him to live and drift around the Earth in one structure. He decided to use scaffolding for his main structure and plastic sheets from abandoned construction sites as sails. His process to scavenge for resources went as follows:


Walking mechanism:

Data processing:

Point cloud segmentation:


Data processing: Diagram – Strategy N2

Updating the mechanism:

Design concept:

Origin of the parts:


Iterative assembly:

Design adaptation:

Gone with the wind is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at Masters of Robotics and Advanced Construction in 2019-2020 by Students: Cedric Droogmans, Elena Jaramazovic & Jun Woo Lee, Faculty: Stuart Maggs, Alexandre Dubor, Pol Cirujeda & Alejandro Nespereira, Faculty Assistant: Soroush Garivani.