(photos and Figure: Ludwig and Schönle)

This python research is to help in the optimization of the tree trunk fusing for my thesis, Non-human architecture.

The “growing architecture” experiment was developed by Dr Ferdinand Ludwig and Dr Daniel Schönle in their project “Baubotanik”. To envision this technology becoming economically reasonable and socially reliable, part of my research, therefore, focuses on the overlaying cubic truss structure in space.

(incestuous network from “Heteroptera” / expected incestuous network in structure)

Initially, I found the code “incestuous network” from “Heteroptera” opens the realm in wireframe researching. But while taking it further to find the incestuous network in terms of structure stabilization, I found the “incestuous network” seems to miss some connection in making the wireframe geometrically resistive to compress.

Thus, the code developed in this python research is meant to work on the incestuous network with the parameters of “the number of members in the connection” and “the minimum angle in the wireframe”.

(incestuous network in structure out of different setting

Incestuous Network on Structure is a project of  “Advanced Computational Tools – PYTHON”
in the programme “MAA02 2018-2019”, Institute for advanced architecture of Catalonia (IaaC)
Faculty: Angel Muñoz       
Student: Wei-Hong Wang