CNC Milling_ Light Filtration
Our concept is based on interlocking elements, that create various shadows. 30 percent density – 70 percent void. One “brick” is composed of two elements. By varying the “base points” and the curves, we can onbtain several different combinations of the form. The convex and concave surfaces are playing with light.
Casting Process:
100 Modules
Introduction to Digital Fabrication || Interlocking Filtration is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at the Master in Advanced Architecture in 2018 by:
Student: Oana Taut, Aishath Nadh Ha Naseer, Eszter Olah, Anaisa Franco Nascimento
Faculty: Ricardo Valbuena, Sujal Kodamadanchirayil, Alexandre Dubor