
The objective was to understand the potentials of simple pick and place, learn about working with robotic manufacturing, and to expand its horizons.

The task was to create a catenary funicular geometry in a 3-dimensional manner that ensures ease of assembly. The challenge was to achieve this with modules created in a 2-dmentional plane.

Stick Configuration

Starting off with the basic 300mm sticks, a number of other lengths were added to introduce flexibility into the module assembly.


Module Connections

Digital Exploration

Simulation and Production

Final Production


INTERLOCKING PICK & PLACE is a project of IAAC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed in the Master in Advanced Architecture 2020/21 by Students: Aishwarya Arun, Furio Magaraggia, Perniyal Waseem, Preetam Prabhakar; Faculty: Ricardo Mayor, Lana Awad, and Student Assistants: Liang Mayuqi