Lamp and node made with 3d printer

Hanging position of the lamp.
We wanted to test what a 3d printer can do with parametric shapes and to make an object bigger than the machine can actually print.
This design has born with the idea of having different types of lamps in the same model. It is also a modular lamp, in our design we used 3 printed modules to create the examples, but it is possible to print as much as you want and incorporate to your existing lamps, due to its joinery possibilities.

The joinery allows to create different shapes.
Each module uses a small strip of LEDs to iluminate the area you require.
In addition, it is not only a hanging lamp, it is possible to use as a desk lamp trying with different orientations.

Possible solution for use it as a desk lamp.
The design of the main body was created using Grasshopper and the joinery part was modeled in Rhino.

3d Model of the node.
Our main idea was to create something that we were able to use in the nature, in which is important to use the elements wisely. With the use of the 3d printer we were able to play with the orientation of the sticks.
In addition, we were attracted with the idea of having a tool with different possibilities of use. Moreover, the nature is attractive for us, which is why we decided to design this node suitable for this two ideas:
Position 1: Water collector

A water collector and filter for the nature.
In this position, the node include a space for introduce plastic bottles, this position give us the possibility of obtain water from different sources as air humidity.
Position 2: Hut

A hut for use in the nature.
The second position is born with the idea of create a basic and small shelter to use in the wild, allowing one person to use it for example during the night.
Lamp and node is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at Master in Advanced Ecological Buildings, Digital Fabrication tools module in 2018 by:
Students: Chiang Yu-Ching and Jesús Bueno Anguita
Faculty: Valldaura Labs