Structures arrived around 09:30 Wednesday morning Otober 16, 2013. MAA 2013-2014 students used the past week to explore materials, design, and digitally fabricate prototypical structures, joints, and connections. Groups, comprised of 3-4 students, were prompted to create the tallest structure scaled 1:5 made out of 1mm thick cardboard without the use of nails, glue, or any other supplementary material. Size, shape, and geometry varied between groups and the ideas of advanced architecture as they are applied to lightweight structures were explored through a process of trial and error. Groups experimented with optimization of material, joints and construction process while considering weight and height constraints. Tutors: Alexandre Dubor, Anastasia Pistofidou, & Edouard Cabay discussed each prototype and gave feedback encouraging students to crush, force, and push the structures to failure. Moving forward the goal is to create stronger structures by understanding the materials and how they will deform. This will be achieved through the analysis of failed members, connections, or supports of each structure. Further constraints will be given in the following classes. Final installations, of plywood, will be presented on October 30, 2013.