The aim of this research is to localize people that reside, work and move in poblenou. we think that local people are the ones who live the neighborhood, not only reside there and not only work there
We managed two datasets: Twitter messages and plots information. From Twitter we extracted the messages sent from not turist people during the early morning, because we think that night messages are sended from home. After that we extracted from the night hours users the messages sent at noon and afternoon, in order to verify which of this resident users stay in Poblenou during the day.
We used the plot information to extract the buildings with residential use and overlap this information with the tweets, according with the idea of avoiding people that only move to the neighborhood only during the day (for work or leisure).
We overlapped the three new databases to find people who reside and move in poblenou.
With this analysis we foun a very local place in the neighborhood, defined by a big public space (a square and a park) and some public facilities (a nursery school and a high school).
LOCAL: 24 hours in Poblenou is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia
developed at Master in City and Technology, City Data Visualization
in 2015 by:
Students: Chiara Dall’Olio, Chenguai Zhou
Faculty: Mar Santamaria, Pablo Martínez