TS.1C – Tool Seminar
Digital Tools
Visual Programming and Computer Vision, Max/MSP
Faculty: Stefano D’Alessio
The course revolves around the software Max and other “satellite” softwares.
Topics are:
-Input datas from sensors/cameras: computer vision with regular cameras and with the Kinect sensor, skeleton tracking, hand gesture interaction with the Leap Motion sensor;
-Basic sound design: loading and manipulating audio files, generating audio ex-novo in Max, loading and controlling external audio plug-ins;
-Interactive sound: combining the sensor datas and the sound processes previously explored thru both direct interaction and simple machine learning using the software Wekinator and OSC communication;
-Introduction to OpenGL in Max: adding reactive 3D visual elements to the previously created interactive sound systems by using OpenGL graphics.
The course aims at giving the students a library of different modules of input and output that can be combined in multiple manners in order to explore many types of interaction.