One of the goals of the 22@ urban renewal project is to foster a community driven technological environment.  This led to a question of how we can map out collaborative tech communities.  In using the Meetup API, one can extract data related to the meetup locations for tech events.  This was done by finding the correct parameters for tech based meetup groups, and then extracting the geolocations in a JSON format of their events.  This data is outputted in JSON format, thus I needed to cleanse and convert this format appropriately into a data frame in Python.Once I had the data frame, I mapped these venues in Barcelona  in QGIS with a satellite basemap.  I then created polygons in QGIS to isolate 22@ and the other tech clusters I observed:  Plaza Catalunya, Diagonal, and Les Corts.  I ran some simple analysis to understand the magnitude of these clusters, and was surprised to learn that 22@ contained 27.9% of all tech meetup locations in Barcelona, with the next cluster being Plaza Catalunya at 10.8%.While this conclusion shows that 22@ is the leading tech community within Barcelona, to build off this 22@ research we could visualize more data from the Meetup API:

  • Include event attendance over time for these tech events
  • Expand to other category of events, such as design, art, and cultural events


Mapping 22@ and Barcelona’s Tech Communities is a project of IAAC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia
developed at Master of City and Technology in 2019 by:
Student: Andrew Saltzman
Faculty: Diego Pajarito