The aim is to identify where masculine people are in Poblenou. in order to define masculine characteristics we used some typical topic about men: they are physically strong and they always talk about football.

We used two dataset: twitter messages and plots information. The aim was to extract from twitter messages the gender of the users and user interested in football. In plot information dataset we extracted industrial use plots, as we considered that heavy physical activities are normally developed by men. moreover, we avoied commercial use plot, as another topic about men is that they are not interested in shopping.

The map that we created shows some interesting situations about masculine places in Poblenou. We investigated some of the industrial buildings with the highest number of tweets about football and we discovered that policeman, light and sound technics and warehouse worker are the examples of masculine mans: they work in masculine professions and they are very interested in football (they also have a lot of free time at work).


MASCULINE: Strong and Footbalistic is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia
developed at Master in City and Technology, City Data Interpretation
in 2015 by:
Students: Chiara Dall’Olio, Chenguai Zhou
Faculty: Mar Santamaria, Pablo Martínez