blog   Atmosphere to me a personal phenomenon.its a personal definition, a perspective,an affection , a feel ,a interpretation of a transition may be because of the space , an activity , a strong connection between static element ie the space and kinetic element ie the people. Atmosphere defines the space between building and its context or rather defines the space. their is always an interrelation of the two forming a strong connection. Its also an intangible effect such as sound , light ,smell, object , the activity that apprehend.   As a personal reference were i relate atmosphere can be in a strong urban fabric of Mumbai. Mumbai is a dynamic city with multi layered information. it has a alchemy of time over space. As we walk around the fort part of Mumbai were it has been decorated with the British architecture we follow an urban text composed of the traces left by historical, literary and cinematic walkers. This sensuous act of walking in the city allows us to apprehend the different tactile, aural, olfactory and visual traces that reveals the city’s hidden histories and geographies. Each excursion will draw on the city’s rich resources of images, text, and films to plot an emotive cartography of different urban environments. A walk from the church gate station to the Crawford market creates a sort of assertion. But this assertion changes as one arrives at the Crawford market were their is sudden change in ambiance one loses a grip of a controlled atmosphere. Were architecture no longer the edifice but the activity forms a evident language. Were the people and the activity forms a part of reference this sort of transition forms a psychic atmosphere. The public domain forms a integral part of the fabric. The architecture no longer defines the space the space but the activity do.   My research would be relating to these transitional space ,it may be with in the building or may be the change of ambiance within the space of a few meters.