01 Speaking about 6 relational logics it is important to understand all the components from which these logics consist of. There are only 3 components: human being, environment and architecture, as a catalyst between them. All the 6 logics are made by the combinations and interrelations of these components. The most important thing here is understand which logics do we have in certain project and how they can develop with the time, as it usually happens with every relation. Architecture adapts and changes according to environment. Nature was before us will be after us. Human being is temporary. So all what we need to understand is how to better interact with it. Philippe Rahm has touched a theme of changing the form and the sense of architecture with the developing technologies and opportunities of modern people. All discussions about importance of form, function or climate are attempts to develop and adapt the architecture according the modern time. The question “who forms whom” human being architecture or architecture human being as a question about the chicken and the egg. Every text, which was mentioned, is a reference to the topic about this relationship between human being and the environment or architecture. Every project is a point of view of certain architect to some questions which were asked to him or herself. For instance, Philippe Rahm thinks that deep understanding of the connection between form, function and climate is the full answer to all the people’s needs. And I agree with him partly because I think that the more correlations we can find between the building and the environment, the more modern, advanced and sustainable architecture we will have. The project «Never, never land» is a result of searching Andres Jaque of a role of architecture in linking the intimate sphere with the sphere of collective. Also it was a searching of «extreme happiness». This fact I’ve found more interesting, than the figure of square meters of the building. Because the question about the people’s happiness has been discussed for a long time and lots of people have trying to answer on it. From the point of view of Andres Jaque’s architects happiness is the Life and all the expressions of it. Including electronic music, synthetic drugs and nudism. Life in the harmony with yourself and the environment. We can see it in forms of this building, in constructions and materials which were chosen. How good this answer is everyone needs to decide to him or herself. From my point of view, I don’t think that this project is a good example of sustainable or advanced architecture. As Philippe Rahm said «sustainable development may be less «visible» than the arrival of reinforced concrete… mainly because it affects not the physical structure or appearance of the building, but rather what we don’t see, what is typically designed «space and energy management». And if we take the «Never, never land» project as a result, we can see that there is no deep searchings and analyze of logics which we’re talking about. Also I find Rahm’s thoughts about old-fashioned monofunctional approach in architecture noticeable. I absolutely agree that plenty of modern projects are examples of total misunderstanding of the sense of modern architecture. And I can conclude that the projects which most of people can’t understand and feel are a part of advanced architecture. Because exactly they are attempts of developing and searching the role of human being and architecture in the environment and vice versa. I suppose that the question of these logic relations is endless and all the schemes or categories are tries to systematize the nature. What we can do as an architects? Just try to find our own system which we will think is the best one. I think that analysis of different systems of division on groups according the time is an interesting theme for my own researching.