University of Leeds Car Park – CJCT Architects





Pseudo Code

Code Developing Process

The Main Facade Panel

 [Quad Aluminium Panel]

// Created using Quad Panels (Lunchbox) 

// Movement of Vertices is a parametric component which can be manipulated later

// Holes and Random Faces are also a variable component and can be manipulated to change the facade pattern

[ Square Grid ]

// Created using Quad Panels (Lunchbox)

// Vertices moved in variable steps

// Holes added using Edge Surface component

Parametric Skins / University of Leeds Multi Storey Car Park  By CJCT Architects  is a project of IAAC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia
developed at the Master in Advanced Architecture in 2019 by:
Student: Abhishek Sharma
Faculty: Rodrigo Aguirre, Mohamad Elatab
Assistant: Ivan Marchuk, Oana Taut