Computational Design | Assignment 02

Performative Cannula is an experimental facade which undergoes geometric changes controlled by a set of variables. The assignment follows the design process and performance of the facade using animation with the help of grasshopper.



Design Process:

Step 1: Generating the basic tube and giving the desired curvature.

Diagram 1

Step 2 : Dividing the surface into squares and extruding the boxes according to the domain range.

Diagram 2

Step 3: The opening on each surface is a parametric curve that generates the dynamic result.

Diagram 3.1

Diagram 3.2

Step 4: Box morph the generated result on the cannula for the final result.

Final Script

Baked Result




Performative Cannula is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia
developed at MAA01 in 2017 by:
Student: Ipsita Datta
Faculty: Aldo Sollazzo, Rodrigo Aguirre