poblenou Open Food District

What is the food supply system nowadays for the city of Barcelona? From a global to a more localized solutions, first it is required to know the way food production is managed in different scales; and second, analyze and understand the real needs of the specific territory, in this case, Poblenou. Does it make sense to keep promoting an unsustainable food production system? The current proposal is based on a linear system where  the chain remains unalterable. First, food production anywhere; second, food distribution anywhere; third, food purchase everywhere, fourth, food consumption everywhere; finaly, no waste management proposed.

As a contrast, Poblenou Open Food District proposes a more circular and dynamic solution where any actor could be an active of a more diverse and inclusive food supply system.

Can we be supplied globally? (Mercabarna dataset).
Can we be supplied locally? (Diputació de Barcelona dataset).
Can we be supplied hyper-locally?

What kind of solutions could be applied in a more localized and sustainable solution?
Which are the real needs?

Can we be fully supplied? Vegetables and fruits?
Where did quality of food go?
Is it possible to propose any different certification model for the future of sustainable local food production?

The solution proposed is provocative and challenging, in equal proportion.

The solution will not be oriented to a social urban agriculture field. Instead, once having identified the main blackboxes of the food supply system in Poblenou, there is a suggestive aim to shift the situation and start directly from those companies living in the boundaries of the healthy and certified food supply system.

A new tool will be provided for these groceries in order to make the switch.

The FabFeed Catalogue will help vendors to become an active part of the food supply system. Based on Open Source solutions available already in the market, the catalogue will provide a detailed process to follow in order to run their own hyperlocalized food production system.

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A movement of practitioners is emerging who are applying Open Source philosophy to food systems work. Our goal in this catalogue is to recognize and share the power of this fledgling movement.

“For food systems work, Open Source means open ideas, knowledge, plans, documents, tools, code, data, and so on, all open for use and improvement by others. Instead of privatizing and patenting intellectual property, we’re sharing designs and building off each other’s innovations.” – Kirsten Larsen, Open Food Network

FabFeed is a project of Iaac, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia at Master in City and Technogy in 2016/2017 by:

Students: Frederick Ajjoub, Asier Eguilaz
Faculty: Tomás Díez, Mathilde Marengo with Mariana Quintero