Possibilities of Rhino Compute.
For the BIM semester of MACAD program, we had a Cloud Data management seminar where we explored the possibilities of bringing Rhino geometries and Grasshopper scripts into the web world. The purpose of the course was to provide students with an ability to demonstrate their parametric work to a client through a web page that includes “sliders” to change the parameters of the geometry. The seminar kicked off with introduction to HTML, CSS and JavaScript, where we were asked to make a personal website.
We soon learnt to upload Rhino geometries and Grasshopper scripts on a local server.
In the final sessions of the seminar, we were introduced to the automatization of the process of uploading scripts and geometries by using RhinoCompute and Heroku appserver. For the final assignment, we were tasked with uploading a more complex script to a Heroku server. We were able to include various Grasshopper plugins.
For the final assignment, I looked into connecting Kangaroo plugin to a web-base and providing sliders to generate various iterations. The script generates a shell around an assigned geometry. The sliders let the user choose the scale of the shell and the iteration, given that the process only allowed the use of Kangaroo zombie solver, as opposed to the usual bouncy solver, which allows to view the animation.
Link to heroku appserver
Link to all the early assingments.
Server space syntax is a project of IAAC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at Master in Advanced Computation for Architecture & Design in 2020/21 by Andrei Okolokoulak
faculty: Will Pearson, Luis Fraguada