Project WATCH-it Project WATCH-it2 Project WATCH-it3

When we started to work on this seminar final project we had a problem as to choose between Argument and Virtual reality as we understood that both had certain limitations when used separately. So we decided to work on Mixed Reality which combines both Argument and Virtual reality. But the difficulty we faced in this process was to combine these two.

The following steps shows from scratch how we came up with futuristic Watch interface using Unity3D and we hacked the AR and VR camera for our Mixed reality.

Project WATCH-it4 Project WATCH-it5 Project WATCH-it6 Project WATCH-it7 Project WATCH-it8 Project WATCH-it9 Project WATCH-it10 Project WATCH-it11 Project WATCH-it12 Project WATCH-it13

Project WATCH-it is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at Master in Advanced Architecture in 2015-2016

Students: Fernando Castilho, Gautham Santhanam, Karthikeyan Dhanabalan and Sureshkumar Kumaravel
Faculty: Luis E. Fraguada and Angelos Chronis