To design a structure that demonstrates the principle of growth through repetition of a particular set of algorithms by using loops and Anemone component of Grasshopper. The designed structure would be proposed as an installation in the Mies Van der Rohe Pavilion at Barcelona.


The concept was to create a branching tree like structure that keeps on growing through multiple repetitions of a simple algorithm. The installation is proposed in the Mies Van der Rohe Pavilion, Barcelona. The installation is envisioned as a structure floating above the surface of water body in the pavilionin two iterations:
1) as a suspended structure comprising of strings and spheres attached to them such as fruit hanging from the branches of a tree.
2) as a more organic interpretation of the tree and its branches with branches twisting in all directions.


1)Draw a line (this represents the first branch)
2) Create a bounding box around the line
3) Construct a sphere around the line using a factor of the diagonal of the bounding box as radius
4) Evaluate the surface of the sphere at a point on the surface of the sphere obtained usiing the random component
5) Using the closest point component obtain the end point of the line closest to the evaluated point on the surface of the sphere
6) Construct a line from this end point, in the direction of the evaluated point on the sphere (this is the branched line)
7)Merge the original line and the branched line and feed back into the loop
8)Repeat steps 3 to 6 as many number of iterations as specified


1) Create a point in space
2)Create a mesh sphere with this point as centre. Adjust mesh sphere radius and number of segments/faces subdivision. Feed into the loop.
3) Create a bounding box around the mesh sphere
4) Construct a sphere the diagonal of the bounding box as radius
5) Explode the mesh faces and extract the normals and centres of each face.
4)Evaluate the surface of the sphere at a point on the sphere obtained using the random component
5) Using the closest point component obtain the mesh face center closest to the evaluated point on the surface of the sphere
6)Create radiating lines from the mesh face centres along the direction of the mesh normals for all mesh face centres obtained from step 5
7)Merge the original line and the branched line and feed back into the loop
8)Repeat steps 3 to 7 as many number of iterations as specified


Tutors: Rodrigo Aguirre

Assistant: Daniil Koshelyuk, Nokoleta Mougkasi