Advanced Architecture Concepts: Relational Logics


The Architectural relations with the surroundings where learnt in brief. At least two of them where summarized for better understanding also two proposal based on the logic are presented to widen the aspect.


  1. The lecture was all about the developing theory for the advanced architecture.
  2. Will this kind of theories are beneficial for the betterment of the world or no?
  3. A group of students where given a text related to different theories given to read and summarize.
  4. All the students summarizing the same text where told to discuss with each other and share their reviews on that theory.
  5. As for the assignment the student where told to give a similar context on the theory.
  6. Also relation of the current topic for example : Relational Logics
  7. Here, in this class we are dealing with the nature and its forms.
  8. How one can deal with existing nature in accordance with the nature.
  9. A Relational Logics which will help one to design the architecture in relation of the nature.
  10. The individuals had to write their review on their understanding of their aspects on this type of relation with nature.
  11. How the architectural designs developing around the nature will be more helpful for the nature.
  12. Also human beings to feel the effect of living in the woods

PowerPoint PresentationPowerPoint Presentation


Here, to understand a current scenario of a woods and the development of the architecture in accordance with nature and how the architecture can be enhanced using this kind of logics. As we are also thinking for each and every living things happening around us and helping them grow around us.

Advanced Architecture Concepts: Relational Logics is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at Master of Advanced Architecture in 2015/16 by:


  • Nisarg Sheth


  • Ricardo Devesa