Dynamic Tower is a tower with a facade which is made up of responsive triangular components that open and close.

This project is demonstrating a series of analysis on the surface of tower which are generatedĀ in Grasshopper.

The project isĀ then controlled and animated to show the reaction of the responsive triangular components.


After designing the components dynamically, form of the tower was created through a curve. The triangular components are introduced to the tower while form finding.

Baked result:

Grasshopper script steps:

  1. creating two dimensional triangular components which are dynamic
  2. introducing the 3rd dimension and creating the tower with the triangular grid
  3. fixing the combined geometry
  4. animating the slider with horster camera

Dynamic Tower is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at Master in Advanced Architecture, in 2017-2018 by Ozge Tektas. This project is the final assignment of SO.3 Computational Design studio.
Tutors: Aldo Sollazzo, Rodrigo Aguirre.