.rod bending for ABB.

prototype #1

.rod bending tool design for robotic arm

.seeking for the possible curves


.studies of bending-1 / 0,2cm / 100 steps / 0,5 revolution / 0,2cm per movement

.studies of bending-2 / 0,2cm / 100 steps / 0,5 revolution / 0,2cm per movement

.studies of bending-3 / 0,2cm / 100 steps / 0,5 revolution / 0,2cm per movement

.studies of bending-4 / 0,2cm / 100 steps / 0,5 revolution / 0,2cm per movement

Wheel configuration_01

Wheel configuration_02

Wheel configuration_03

Wheel configuration_04


.how to bend one curve-1

.how to bend one curve-2

.how to bend one curve-3

.how to bend one curve-4

.how to bend an array of curves and robot rotation

.how to bend an array of curves

.the bending tool-1

.the bending tool-2

.the bending tool-3

.the motors configuration and the tools

.the process of assembly connection and robot movement

.the wiring

.the communication

.the programming

.grasshopper script

.arduino script

Robot simulation

Rod bending for ABB is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia
developed at Master in Robotics and Advanced Construction in 2019/20 by:
Students: Alexandros Varvantakis, Beril Serbes, Cedric Droogmans, Roberto Vargas
Faculty: Angel Munoz, Soroush Garivani