sand.Build // Business Model
The storage capacity of the soil has immense potential, being able to hold more carbon than both plants and atmosphere combined. If we started reusing and bioremediated fertile soil, we could biosequester carbon through our buildings.
sand.Build offers a sand based composite biomaterial as a sustainable alternative, as well as design and fabrication services.
Issues & Opportunities
When the soil is damaged, it loses its capacity to store carbon, releasing it back into the atmosphere.
The permanent decline in the quality of soil, vegetation and water resources are contributing factors in causing the deterioration of the economic productivity of the land and disrupting the ecosystem and the micro and macro climates.
Problem & Opportunity
What is sand.Build?
Business Pitch
Target Clients // Market Segmentation
Market Validation
Market Validation: TAM, SAM, SOM
Implementation: Getting Started
sand.Build is a project of IAAC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed in the Master in Advanced Architecture 2020/21 by:
Student: Stefana Zapuc
Faculty: Davide Rovera