Self Sufficient Neighbourhood

Today the energy is a huge market that is the totality of all of the industries involved in the production and sale of energy, including fuel extraction, manufacturing, refining and distribution. Modern society consumes large amounts of fuel, and the energy industry is a crucial part of the infrastructure and maintenance of society in almost all countries. The energy is moved with ships, pipelines all over the world to supply energy requirements.
Energy consumption is directly related with urban model and citizens behaviours. Housing amounts, transportation system, industry, energy sources, population in other words urban model shape cities’ energy consumption numbers and strategies. In this graph; Energy consumptions per capita amount of compact cities like New York, Hong Kong are less than sprawling cities like Houston. It is not surprised. Dense cities have compact urban model and advanced public transportation network, hence, motorisation and house sizes are less than others.




Sufficient Neighbourhood

%100 Clean Energy

Local Production | Decentralised Model

Over production shares between mix-used grids.





All energy units are selected according to urban scale/capacity researches. Energy production has two different subtitle; heating and electricity.

Photovoltaic solar panels, transparent solar panels and biogas generate electricity. Heating energy is supplied by solar thermal panels and biogas.

High efficient photovoltaic solar panels are located high radiation surfaces. Low efficient transparent solar panels are combined with green houses and façades. Waste of self-sufficient Neighbourhood generates energy by biogas.

Long & Short Term Storage Model Energy production is not stabile in a day and in a year . Hence, we need to storage over production electricity and heating to supply energy need during year.

After capacity and urban scale researches, li-ion batteries are proposed for short term electricity storage. Hydrogen fuel batteries are used for seasonal electricity storage.

Thermal Banks are able to keep hot water warm for long term. It is proposed to long term heating energy storage.







Energy for self sufficient neighborhood is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at Master in City and Technology in 2015 by:

Student: Seda Tugutlu

Faculty: Vicente Guallart and Rodrigo Rubio

Assistants: Ruxandra Iancu and Alessio Verdolino