The scope of our concept for this exercise is dependent upon two factors. Firstly, the representation of a natural occurrence, such as drops on water, through mechanical means. Secondly, the use of a specific milling bit to reach our desired effect in the corian. Building on this concept, we began to test with overlapping of layers and depths of milling using a 20mm ball mill. This technique allowed us to actualise our design efficiently.
Material: Corian, 12mm (Hi-Macs)
Machine: CNC Mill
Milling time: 23 minutes
Milling bit: Flat 6mm, Ball 20mm
Solid Waves is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, developed at Master in Advanced Architecture in 2016/2017 by:
Students: Irene Ayala Castro, Daehwa Baek, Keesje Avis (Group 4)
Instructors: Alexandre Dubor, Matteo Guarnaccia