So this time I finally managed to make the box, make a max max msp patch using microphone as an input, and also find the right speaker for the job. Previously I fried in total 4 speakers. So here is the Video IMG 5832 from Arfurqan on Vimeo.
testing of sonic water from Arfurqan on Vimeo.
so this this is how it was done. On the laptop Max Msp The max msp patch is really simple. I take the input from microphone scale it from 40 hz to 120 hz. Then I send this information to the speaker to vibrate on that frequency. here is the patch. Making The Box The box is made up of MDF panel. Just got it laser cutted. Glued it together. Sealed it with silicon and painted. The hole in the center is for the speaker. I put latex sheet on the hole so i can put speaker below.
Set-up The set up is really. Laptop taking input from microphone, converting it into frequency by using Max-Msp. Then sending it to the speaker.