
Life in the city is dynamic and convenient, but at the same time comes with many stresses. According to VAAY‘s research, indicators of feeling the stress of living in a city are largely influenced by governance, urban environment, finances, and citizen health. This project aims to provide the most un-stressful suitable route for pedestrians based on the analysis of walking stress factors in the city, ??using the indicators as the air pollution, noise pollution, and green experience hierarchic road.



Pedestrian stress factors are defined as air quality, noise pollution, and green experience. Import the shp files for air pollution and noise pollution into Grasshopper and set the hierarchy of roads according to each pollution level. Also, for green experience, you can check the hierarchy of green space in the city by importing the NDVI map of Barcelona in tiff format.


Urban-scale Analysis

Neighborhood Route


Based on the pollution level for each road, the difference in line thickness and color is used to suggest that pedestrians can take a route on a road with a lower air pollution level through the air pollution level data.
The level of noise pollution was also analyzed based on the road, and the higher the pollution, the darker the color and the thicker the road. Pedestrians can choose a pedestrian path with a lower level of noise pollution.
For the green experience, the path with the most trees can be selected by matching the number of trees in Barcelona to the nearest road.
These series of results provide a pedestrian who arrives at the same destination to choose a route according to his or her stress vulnerability.


STRESS FREE CITY is a project of IAAC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed in the Master in City & Technology in 2021/22 by Student: Jiyun Lee and Faculty: Eugenio Bettucchi and Iacopo Neri