The digital fabricated structural brick is an example of creating an object 
by  using the structural skin as a mould. 
The form follows the stress lines, which shape geometry of the brick. 

Laser cutting gave the designers an opportunity to experiment 
with the folding techique. 
By using this method they developed the structural skin, which was a base  
for the mould. The casting process started from creating the negative, 
which became the reusable mould. 
The six bricks prototypes and the mould, 
which is ready fore reuse, are the final results  
of the digital fabrication experiment. 










is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia
developed at the Master in Advanced Architecture in 2018 
by: Juhi Bafna, Maria Fechner, Surayyn Uthaya Selvan, Sri Sai Tarun
Faculty:Alexandre Dubor, Ricardo Mayor