The Swoosh Pavilion is the 2008 AA Summer Pavilion built annually by the second and third year students of Intermediate Unit 2 tutored by Charles Walker and Martin Self. For the students who conceive, design and construct the pavilion it’s a phenomenological exercise, going from idea to design and finally realization.
The concept of the pavilion came of studying the deformation an optical model in two dimensions. Optical qualities were extracted from the visual dynamic and interpreted in three dimensions. The structure, completely dis-mountable, is composed of 653 pieces of wood, columns, and traversal beams. The eight arches in the middle of the pavilion, gradually cantilevered, create an intimate space. Some of the columns are divided into two segments, sustained by a steel base on the ground and joined with metallic connections. The traversal beams were cut with a CNC machine; their angles were fashioned by hand based on their relation to the columns. The geometry of the pavilion is symmetrical, but its shape varies as it goes along, from a radius of 2.2 meters to a height of 3.3. meters. All of the elements of the pavilion are vertical, so that the shadow it casts is a reflection of the original plan.
Grasshopper Script
Animated Systems_ Swoosh Pavillion //Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at Master in Advanced Architecture, in 2018/2019 by:
Student :- Jitendra Shrawan Farkade
Faculty: Rodrigo Aguirre and David Andres Leon
Student Assistant: Daniil Koshelyuk