Abstract –

This analysis study is to count different types of tourist amenities (attractors) in the vicinity along the shortest path taken by the tram network and bicycling between museum destinations in Amsterdam.

Work Methodology –

By picking a point graphically, sets the start point to the closest museum location and the script calculates the endpoint being the furthest museum located in the city.
The shortest path by cycling based on the strength of tourist amenities is evaluated.
The shortest path by tram based on the strength of tourist amenities is evaluated.
The shortest path by cycling based on the strength of the canal network is evaluated.
All three evaluated routes analyze the count of visual proximity of the tourist amenities based on the defined typologies.

Data Source –


Data Used –
– City Building Blocks
– City Street Network
– Canal Network
– Tram Network and Stops
– Tourist Points
– Tourist Amenities

Test Analysis outputs –


Through this grasshopper script, we can test how many tourist attractors will be in the travel path and determine the selective options based on the typology of service needed.


Tourist Attractors Vicinity – Amsterdam, is a project of IAAC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at Master in City & Technology in 2020/21 by student: Sridhar Subramani, and faculty: Eugenio Bettucchi & Iacopo Neri.