
On February 15, 16 and 17, a Llum BCN festival took place, transforming the streets of Poblenou into a huge, open-air experimentation laboratory using light as the creative medium. We have found that it is a good opportunity to check what are the opinions about the festival and which of the exhibitions is the most appreciated. To do that we conducted a 3-steep analysis


Step 1.

In the first step of the process, by using the script written in python, we were able to connect to twitter API platform and collect tweets according to their location and keywords.

To determine the search area, we used the coordinates of three metro stations (Bogatell, Glories and Poble Nou) and set the radius to 1km. By this we were able to cover the whole area of the LLum BCN festival.

As keywords, we used some general hashtags about the Llum BCN festival and the hashtags for each of the exhibitions.

As a result, we received a dataset of 1085 tweets.

At this stage we were able to carry out some basic analysis of the collected tweets.


Step 2.

In the next step, we run another python script to conduct a sentimental analysis of collected tweets.

As a result, to each of the tweets in our dataset, we received sentimental value ranging from 0 to 1 and the labels accordingly.


Step 3.

The last step of the analysis was run to visualize tweets on a map with their sentimental values. To achieve that, we run another python script that connects to mapbox API platform.

The final analysis allowed to determine how much tweets differed in terms of emotional value depending on the location from which they were sent.



Collected tweets differed significantly depending on the location from which they came. Tweets from the area of metro Bogatell were mostly negative, while tweets from the area of metro Glories were mostly positive. Regarding individual exhibitions, we can say that the most popular one on twitter, judging by the amount of tweets collected, was the exhibition called Laser.


TWEETS OF LLUM FESTIVAL BCN is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia
developed at Master in City & Technology in (2018/2019) by:
Students:Jaroslaw KowalskiHaining ZhouLuyang Zhang
Faculty: Starsky Lara