The process which I followed to create this game/ animation is the following:
First, I imported a 3D model from Rhino (.obj file) into Unity.
I created a terrain which I started to form step by step. My goal was to create a natural environment between the buildings. I shaped some hills using multiple brushes and then I smoothened them. I also placed some trees and grass from the options that Unity offers.
I started to experiment with different materials (through assets-materials-terrain) and scales from the import options.
My next step was to create the environment through the “skybox“. I placed some ambient and spot lights so my scene was visible during rendering. In order to be able to see the rendering, I placed some cameras with wide perspective view.
As a next step I looked at the assets for the choices I was given: I chose to put an aircraftjet as the main component of the game.
My next step is to intervene at the function of the aircraft jet so it could throw some elements/componens on the ground.
Unity Game|aircraft is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia
developed at MAA01 in 2015-2016 by:
Student: Maria-Klairi Chartsia
Faculty: Luis E.Fraguada, Rodrigo Aguirre