
The aim was to achieve channelized light through different extents of protrusions and their angles. Edges of the protrusions were juxtaposed randomly to achieve a dramatic effect of light. This and the varying thickness of the surface create different intensity of light.

The lamp form is an inspiration from the sea urchin shells.
Material: Translucent Polylactide(PLA)
Machine: 3D Printing
Printing time: 9 hrs.18_01



Urchin | Digital Fabrication is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, Master in Advanced Architecture in 2016-2017 by:
Students: Francis Redman, Archana Ravikumar, Nithin Bhargav Ramesh, Kaushik Raghuraman.
Faculty: Alexandre Dubor, Tomas Martin Agudo , Ricardo Valbuena