To further develop the techniques learnt during the Python seminar, either developing one technique or combining multiple techniques. In order to vary the output, variable input parameters should be defined.
Chosen Technique
Starting with a Python script for a random growth module, the script is combined with Rhino and Grasshopper to achieve the intended output.
Concept & Logic
Inspired by supply pre-emption, the competition for resources in nature, such as nutrients and light, this project looks to simulate the behaviours of plants. For example, the competition for trees to break the canopy and reach the light in places like the Amazon Rainforest. The trees that break the canopy are usually taller and become stronger as they access the nutrients they need. While those that do not break the canopy, remain small.
In Rhino, the number of growth points is defined by placing points. This can vary from one point to multiple points. The area for the nutrients is defined by a bounding box in rhino too.
To model the intraspecific competition, defined as the competition between the same species, closest points is used in the python script. The closer the growth point to a resource point the more likely it will grow to be the largest plant.
To achieve the pipe effect, the “branches” are sorted into lists, and also the endpoints are defined.
In addition, as the growth system climbs the z-axis, the branches get narrower and narrower, simulating the growth of branches. This is defined in the python script using maximum and minimum radii in relation to the z-value.
Finally, the points are interpolated. This produces an output that simulates a tree or plants behaviour and features. As the number of “resource” points increase, the plant takes up more and more space. The piped output comes directly from Python.
Input Parameters
Bounding Box: Defines the area of nutrients or pocket of light
Growth Points: Number of initial starting points
Items: Number of “resource” points
Systems: Increases the density of growth
Each time the code runs a different output is produced due to the random aspect; however, these four parameters impact the level and direction of growth.
Images with Input and Output Parameters
Image 1:
Bounding Box: Cuboid
Growth Points: 1
Items: 200
Systems: 2
Image 2:
Bounding Box: Cuboid
Growth Points: 2
Items: 200
Systems: 2
Image 3:
Bounding Box: Sphere
Growth Points: 3
Items: 300
Systems: 2
Usurp is a project of IAAC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed in the Master of Advanced Architecture 2019/20 by:
Students: Fiona Demeur, Aishath Nadh Ha Naseer, Surayyn Uthaya Selvan, Hongyu Wang
Faculty: Angel Munoz