By Jordi Portell and Ayber Gülfer The aim of the first attempts of the bench was creating a corner seat and modifying the sides to make it more dynamic. In order to do so the surface we have been given to is bended around 90 degrees. Then its been modified by T-spline plug-in that allows easy edits and smoother surfaces. The back side of the bench is lifted up so to create more space that allows to put a lamp. Altough the result design was interesting, the seat was too narrow to be usefull,so that the bench is kept on editing.
By keeping the main idea, the surface is bended around 20 degrees to make the seat wider. Then the offset solid command is used to turn the surface into a solid. By rebuilding the bench new control points are added and the bench is modified again. After the design process contours are created in both directions with the distances of 30mm. Every contour is turned into surfaces. By the intersect tool intersection lines are formed. Therefore grasshopper script (by Morten Bulow) which works with the surfaces and the intersection lines, is used in order to form notches in both directions. The ribs with the notches are projected to cplane then placed in the 250x120cm plywood board.