Wet.Ware BCN

Introductory Studio
Design for the Experience Age
Group 2 – Wet.Ware BCN

Senior Faculty: Claudia Pasquero and Marco Poletto (EcoLogic Studio)
Computational Expert: Konstantinos Alexopoulos (EcoLogic Studio)

Sillabus: Ubiquitous computing enables us to decipher the Biopshere’s anthropogenic dimension, the so called Urbansphere. In the Anthropocene, we know our civilisation reached global impact because the machines that we built to sense it, tell us so. In this respect we are already in a post-anthropocenic condition, where the impact of artificial systems on the natural Biosphere is indeed global, but their agency is no longer entirely human. In the Anthropocene Age we therefore need more than ever a non-anthoropocentric mode of reasoning and deploying design technologies as the anthropocentrism immanent in their explorative mobilisation in architecture limits its operative scope.
In this design studio we will test the potential to bring at the core of architectural novelty the interdependence of digital and biological intelligence, by pairing algorithmically drawn (Minimized detour) with biologically grown (Physarum Polycephalum) minimal networks. We will try to observe the diagrammatic capacity of living systems in the process of growing and becoming part of a bio-digital assemblage or apparatus. We will train our sensibility at recognising patterns of reasoning across disciplines, materialities and technological regimes thus expanding our repertoire of aesthetic qualities.

In the grid our selected area is B

High res satellite image of the selected area of Barcelona


Networks Cartographies 
We search for shadow cartography from the urbanistic area, Whitered cartography from the urbanistic living, darkblue cartography from the vegetation, black and white cartography from the Levels generated.

By doing so we got the result from all areas merged.


Our site has a majority of green areas, which we mainly worked in the intersections from constructed human nature and the green nature of the area. 

Gradient Field 
Gradient fields of the biotic substratum of the city, its vegetation density and wet areas

Final Drawing

Final Render


The proposal //  Super Organism



WET.WARE BCN is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia  developed at Master in Advanced Architecture, in 2018/2019 by:
Students: Anaisa Franco and Ignacio Bedia
Faculty: Claudia Pasquero, Marco Poletto
Computational Expert: Konstantinos Alexopoulos