Walls Globally
Since WW2 border walls or walls that separate communities have increased by 110%. This is an exponential rate of continuing growth.
This thesis will not argue whether or not these walls should exist or not. Rather at how governments and communities can use the miles of blank infrastructure that was created as a result of the wall. This project not only looks at these peacebuilding constructions through a societal view but also a political, economic and environmental approach.
Northern Ireland
This research is conducted by analyzing data about the countries where peace walls have been built. The data is further narrowed down to the case study of Northern Ireland. There were many peace walls were constructed in response to the ‘Troubles’.
These walls are built to separate the two volatile communities (Unionists and Republicans) from each other. As there are ongoing tensions between the communities, there remain 14 clusters of 99 walls built throughout the capital city of Belfast.
Shankill, Falls
The research was narrowed to just one of these clusters, the longest and most violent known as Shankill. The Falls community was separated from the Shankill community in 1968.
Wild Walls
Man-Made Ecotones
This research has culminated in a design proposal that is to facilitate the development of the social, economic and political interests in the area by allowing the security infrastructure to become an area for activities that allow for the growth of society.
Social, Political, and Economic
It will enable politicians to talk peacefully with these communities.
As well as enable local politicians to have a stage and method of feedback with their constituents.
It allows for the development of economic activities, such as an area for a marketplace.
The heart of this project becomes the green setting that this security infrastructure creates.
By evolving this monolith of separation into a green corridor, the communities can physically see the growth of change and rebirth of life.
This thesis creates what is called an ecotone—an area of increased inhibition and facilitation of many different species in what would otherwise be a desolate border.
Wild Walls is a project of IAAC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed in the {Master} 2019/20 by Student:Holly Victoria Carton and Faculty: Mathilde Marengo and Eugenio Bettucchi