Multi-material Additive Manufacturing
This workshop is the occasion to look at the question of materiality in architecture. Additive manufacturing of multi-material opens the possibility to carefully design the material distribution over geometries, taking advantage of the wide pallet of material available to build architecture. The relation between form and material distribution have structural, thermal and aesthetic implications yet to be explored.
This workshop examined in particular the structural implications that multi-material design might have for architecture. In order to achieve this goal OTF assistants and Mrac students together developed a tool to make multi-material 3d printing possible:
Multi-material printing tool:
This tool has been developed for ABB 140 robotic arm for multi material 3dprinting, with the help of Kunaljit Singh Chadha, Mrac students of Iaac: Soroush Garivani and Ardeshir Talaei together with OTF assistants: Armin Akbari and Sheikh Riaz.
Here you can see details of the tools:
Different parts of the Nozzle:
Workshop Methodology
We explored this topic by using the methodology of catalogues of forms, including the variation of materiality by introducing color gradients in our 3D modeling tool. In three different groups we produced three different catalogues, each one consists of 12 geometries:

Diagram above shows the purpose of each catalogue

Multi-material printing strategy (Catalogue 2 and catalogue 3)
Group one:
Catalogue 1: Surfaces
Catalogue 1: Volumes
Catalogue 1: Selected one for printing
Catalogue 2: Surface Patterns
Catalogue 2: Surface Patterns (selected one for printing)
Catalogue 3: Volume Patterns
Catalogue 3: Volume Patterns (Printed one)
Group Two:
Catalogue 1: Surfaces
Catalogue 1: Surfaces (selected one)
Catalogue 1: Surfaces (printing the selected one)
Catalogue 2: Surface Patterns
Catalogue 2: surface Patterns (Selected one)
Catalogue 2: Surface Patterns (printing the selected one)
Catalogue 3: Volume Patterns
Group Three:
Catalogue 1: Surfaces
Catalogue 1: Surfaces (selected one)
Catalogue 1: Surfaces (printing the selected one)
Catalogue 2: Surface Patterns
Catalogue 2: Surface Patterns (printing the selected one)
Catalogue 3: volume Patterns
Faculty roles:
Alexander Dubor – workshop coordinator and structural advisor
Edouard Cabay – geometrical advisor
Kunaljit Chadha – machine, material and monitorisaon coordinator
Joaquim Melchor – Matrial researcher and advisor
Marco Ingrassia – daily check on workshop coordination
Ashkan Foroughi | Bhakti Vinod Loonawat | Ipsita Datta | Nusrat Tabassum | Ozgur Cengiz | Pavlina Kriki | Payam Salahinezhad | Shahram Cawsi Randeria | Yi-Fan Liao | Yuchen Chen | Yingxin Du