Introduction to Processing and Arduino
Music is the art that thought us;
Play the moment and pause the memories. So today we rewind a bit and stop to record an integral part of the memory; A Game -Symphony!
Symphony is an analog gaming interface that nips back into your childhood to integrate music with gaming. To narrow it down to our little experiment, this is a simple interactive gaming interface guided by music using the link generated between arduino in physical world and processing in the virtual.
The above mentioned music can be as simple as the surrounding music or as complex as the Beethoven symphony and this generated the terrain and a simple analog on the arduino helps in maneuvering through the terrain, it’s an irony right?
SYMPHONY is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at Master in Advanced Architecture – 01 in 2016/2017 by:
Students: Armin Akbari, Samarth Agrawal
Faculty: Angelos Chronis, Angel Muño