>>> We understand the term of triphibian as a concept that embrace the three different dimensions that surround us, by that we mean air, water and ground. This concept is not referred as a mere geometrical or physical representation, but as an operative posture that is encompassing and blending with the three-dimensionality of the environment. A position that emerges as a strategy in the urban field, that at the same time faces the qualities and characteristics of Montjuic and the port of Barcelona. The reading which receives this infrastructure is fluid, continuous and nonlinear, where the gaps between each level covered are resolved differently, creating a heterogeneous and continuous reading while where there is not a clear beginning or end, but it is apparent where the differentiation of each of the intervals at which this infrastructure will take place.
>>> Contemporary societies reflect their archetypes and organizational methods in bureaucratic power structures, governed by economic and financial interests; the reflection of the status quo dictates a society based on indiscriminate consumption of goods and services as well as natural and energy resources. the physical layout of cities is dictated by the regent economic model and the interests that it represents; but what would happen if cities, understood as the physical representation of the social spectrum and thus, based on collectivity, could be organized on the basis of social behavior and urban phenomena based on collective and individual constructionism of situations, evoking a social functionalism projecting a humanist joint. The constant and continuous search of an humanistic society becomes an idealistic utopia that comes in some ways as reproof to the current functioning of society.
>>> We are located in one of the most significant places in the collective memory and identity of Barcelona. Montjuic from its geological formation has contributed and successfully fulfilled the role of supplier to the city from becoming the raw matter for its development. We translate a reading of the mountain as a resource for building and the engine of growth for the city. At the same time played a role of control and protection of the city. In fact, we deduce the role of the site as an generating, organizational and evolutionary entity for for the development of the city and its citizens. we had to deal with the historical premise and the existence of previously established organizational and interactive proposals, which we identified and classified into two groups. The first group refers to organizational proposals that focus on the connectivity of discontinuous spaces in linear order, while the second group is based on the responsiveness of its proposals taking as the main agent density of people, activities and experiences. We had to deal with the historical premise and the existence of previously established organizational and interactive proposals, which we identified and classified into two groups. The first group refers to organizational proposals that are focus on the connectivity of discontinuous spaces in linear order, while the second group is based on the interaction of its proposals taking as the main agent of the density of people, activities and experiences. From this reading we could rescue the intent of the proposals together, where the main objective was an evolutionary portion of urban habitat where connectivity and interaction serve as a catalyst for enhancing a continuous and heterogeneous, nonlinear and speculative reading of the site.
>>> The prediction of the performance and organization of future cities based on specific activities are till a certain point, ambiguous; in the sense that we evoke a radical changev in the physical conformation of the cities, the projective premise driving the proposal is based on the understanding of inalienable situations and actions such as the behavior, grouping capability and community sense of people. Located in the sociological field, we try to understand how in the equation of functioning and structuring of the cities, external factors that go beyond the social and collective spectrum, end up mutating negatively the conformation of cities. In that sense, Herbert Spencer was the first author to use systematically the concepts of structure and function. We identify that in a society the conjunction of social interaction based on urban communication (interactionism) and the social interaction based on urban phenomena (constructionism) derives in a functionalist social structure, where the society in understand as an holistic organic entity based on its primary needs. We understand that the main agent in the project proposal is the social spectrum referred to human behavior and interaction, we wonder how is it possible to measure and evaluate these human values.
>>> Thus, we fall back on the theoretical basis according to the sociological stream called constructionism, Marvin Wolgang states that the excessive amount of people in the same surroundings leads to urban withdraw and anomie“; so we measure the relation between the amount of people and the amount of surface where the social encounter is taking place“, with these we state that there is a directly proportional relationship between the area of the surface and the amount of people in order to achieve a proper social interaction, this is what we called behavior. On the other hand, we recognize that the social interaction takes place where its focus is based in both, the quantity and quality of human activities. We found that there is a direct relationship between the amount of people and the number and diversity of activities which can lead to social phenomena such as human grouping and collective sense in people. With this, we measured the social interaction based on communication, but not in a physical way; on the contrary, we measure it as we did it before, within the spectrum in the relation between the amount of people in one space and the quantity and quality of the activities occurring in these scenarios.
>>> We took three different moments along the year 2115, we map the number of people on the site, based on a prediction with actual data, the area of the surface, and the concentration of activities that could possibly take place according to the physical and logistical characteristics of the site ; we overleaped all these layers of data and we were able to locate and identify the social communication and behavior concerning the social interactions in this urban environment. We separated these social interactions based on two different types of activities, controlled ones and spontaneous. The social interaction based on controlled activities require a physical and segregated dimension in order to take place, this activities are daily, repetitive and program. On the other hand, the spontaneous activities doesn’t need a physical nor segregated dimension to happen, this activities take place in the in the interstices of the controlled activities and on the unoccupied spaces around the city.
>>> Once we identified and classified the social activities, we looked back into the triphibian concept, where this concept of developmental and heterogeneous properties can provide specificity and mutability in geometrical terms. We assigned different behaviors and qualities to its responsive structure based on the different types of activities ( Controlled and Spontaneous) and the physical condition where this infrastructure is placed (Air, Ground and Water).
>>> As a first step to materialize the social spectrum, we took the density of people as the generatrix of this evolutionary process, where the number of people (points) establish the number and variety of connections(branches) in order to enhance a social interaction. At most amount of people, as much the number and diversity of connections. As soon as we identify a directly proportional relationship between these two components, we proceed to geometrize this interactions by a linear system ( straight lines). After this step, we applied a geometrical construction based on Thiessen polygons, which are one of the simplest methods in interpolation based on the Euclidean distance, especially appropriate when the data is qualitative and quantitative. They are created by connecting the dots together, tracing the bisectors of the connecting segment. The intersections of these bisectors determine a number of polygons in a two-dimensional space around a set of control points, so that the perimeter of polygons generated is equidistant to the closest points and designate its area of influence. This polygons are well known as Voronoi diagrams and and its geometrical application is for both inside and outside the urban habitat. Regarding the geometric understanding and operation of the triphibian infrastructure, we established rules and responsive parameters that match the specific qualities of the environment.
>>> If the triphibian is at the sea, the skin is more compact, lighter and translucent; if the structure is extended on the ground, the proportions do not exceed the visual scale of the pedestrian and the geometry becomes more rigid and its responsiveness appears in lower intervals. If the structure is projected on the air, the skin becomes lighter and more aerodynamic, the interior becomes more dense and it connects with the ground where the highest levels of social interaction and concentration of activities are presented. Once we identified and characterized the social interactions of the site, we proceeded to establish the creation of a responsive urban network based on social interaction, where different kinds of social behaviors converge into and through the triphibian structure in order to devise a functionalist holistic society. With these parameters we find a heterogeneous, responsive and integrated structure along the morrot. The triphibian is not placing programs or specific zoning, its just providing the physical space to build//construct situations in the urban space; it’s materializing the need of physical space in order to foster and solidify social interaction..
[Video Link] >>>
>>> Antimatter is the less common form of matter that consists of antiparticles as opposed to ordinary matter that is composed of particles. Contact between matter and antimatter brings their mutual annihilation, this does not mean destruction, but a transformation that results in high-energy photons. It is estimated that only 10 milligrams of antimatter would be needed to propel a spacecraft to Mars. We understood the conceptual complexity which comprises antimatter, in the sense that to produce enough power, it must include a process of constant creation and annihilation. In order to be able to have the energy to create matter you have to destroy another space of the same whole. Triphibian‘s energetic system functions as a closed energy circuit.
>>> The Triphibian infrastructure by recognizing the different types of social interaction, acts generating a physical or virtual space as needed. Energy in form of particles that is stored within the urban parasite is released into the immediate environment, creating a temporary physical annihilation that responds to the spontaneous activities, that is to say, the absence of a tangible space, while generating other physical representation necessary to conduct controlled activities . This symbiosis between these two social spectra serves as a generative analogy when control, arrange and organize the wave energy that gathers this infrastructure . Just as the geometric generation of this project is meticulously following the density and social interaction, the energy flow serves as a tool to materialize the social spectrum by the cyclic creation and annihilation of matter.
>>> The infrastructure works only with the presence of people, without this, its ability for creation and annihilation is inoperative, diminished and obsolete; when its located on scenes of urban and social character, creates a virtuous and infinite circle that is constantly changing and fosters a transitory and perennial character . Antimatter represents the balance and the conceptual materialization between the social spectrum and a tangible urban habitat.
>>> The culmination of this project suggests a new perspective on the interpretation of the social and urban environment, in which the powers that govern societies, and thus the physical configuration of the cities, are no longer the determining agents when materialize the human habitat. If since the first civilizations were no longer nomadic, and emerged the human instinct of social and collective grouping, cities responded directly to the needs and immediate demands of these huge companies. After a tedious and tortuous process of social involution in terms of grouping and collectivity, hierarchies and social differences have been configured a segregated, discontinuous and generic city-society. When an exogenous agent of the social spectrum is shaping the urban hatibat is when the concept that refers to the cities, as everything that represents man in his collective and individual character, is weakened. The most significant scope of this project lies in the elimination of this exogenous agent, simplifying the equation of the genesis of future cities, where the tangible and corporeal is molded based on the social spectrum within an urban setting. [Triphibian Video Link] >>>
[Triphibian Booklet Link] >>>
[TEAM] >>Ksenia Dyusemabeva >>Asya Güney >>Edgar Navarrete Sanchez >>Diego Ramirez Leon